Podcast at Document360
Unifying the Technical Documentation
The podcast in which I shared my experience as an Information Developer and what it is like to craft content experiences at IBM. I also share some of the pro ninja techniques a Content Designer needs to know and favorite documentation related resources that are worth a read.
STC India Annual Conference
Building Human Centered Brilliance
Presented at the STC India Annual Conference on how Technical Writers could contribute in building artificial intelligent products such as chatbots and walked through building intents, entities, and dialogs by illustrating a use case.
STC Regional Conference at SAP India
Content Marketing – Crossing Paths with TechComm
Presented at the STC India Regional Conference at SAP on how Tech Communicators and Marketing teams could work together to create seamless user experience for users both before product purchase and during the product usage phase. How the brand voice and technical content plays a vital role in influencing users during product pre purchase is show cased.